Site update push

Lately I've really been in the mood to work on my site more which is cool because I want to get it updated before I leave. Ideally, I want to get the re-design completed and everything up on my actual domain, instead of on the dev site. I plan to shut down my Linux box while I'm away so anything that I want to be accessible has to be up on my main site before then.

So far today I've managed to incorporate some of the new features of Blogger such as comments. I also added a "this day in history" link for each date. The HowTo for that covers how to do it using Javascript but I wrote a way to do it in PHP which is cool because it's all browser independent.

The big stuff that still needs to be done is to update all my pages so they reflect the new design and to hammer out a few details with the new design. But once I get all the pages ported over to the new structure I can work on any other changes to the design and they'll be reflected on every page.

At the moment, I'm debating on changing my navigation structure. As I've mentioned before, I've had a lot of issues with figuring out how to structure it well. I'm now thinking I may do a more hierarchical navigation instead of the "menus" at the top of the screen. The big plus is then I can go as deep as I want but it might get a bit unwieldy.